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Interaction with the GENTLE/S project (from TA)

  1. Regular meetings are held together to discuss project objectives, progress and technical solutions. GENTE/S invites REHAROB to its workshops. Vice-versa REHAROB is required to invite GENTLE/S to its project meetings.

  2. The projects are required upon request of the Commission services to attend concertation meetings of both programmes.

  3. The dissemination and industrial exploitation strategies are discussed including the issues of IPR and final commercialisation of the results. This could be set-up in the form of a mid-project workshop in Brussels including Commission participation.

  4. Annex 1 of the contract, Description of Work, and contact information of all partners is exchanged.

The REHAROB consortium has entitled BUTE as co-ordinator of the project to negotiate with the GENTLE/S project regarding the external evaluation of the progress of the REHAROB project:

  • evaluator authorised from the GENTLE/S project
  • regular evaluation of the results: annually and/or before review meetings
  • task and remuneration of the evaluator is subject to agreement
  • this procedure is not identical to the Commission’s review procedure